Monday, December 19, 2011

Aerobics for Kids!

This year, I am implementing aerobics in my gym class. I plan on teaching students how to take their heart rate and calculate their BMI. I think it's imperative for kids to know just how important keeping active is. It's recommended that kids (and teens) get at least 20 minutes of good aerobic exercise 3 times a week. While searching online for some resources, I found many videos that I can use to show my students before they learn their own routine.

To begin this with  my student, I plan to start with the basics. I will define and explain what aerobics is and we will discuss the importance of living an active lifestyle.

The Many Benefits of Exercise

Everyone can benefit from regular exercise. Kids who are active will:

Taking Heart Rate

I found this on this great site

Your heart is a pump which pumps blood out around your body through your arteries. You can feel the blood pumping where the arteries are close to your skin. These are your pulse points, and if you feel gently with your fingertips you can count how fast your heart is beating.
The idea of aerobic (air-oh-bik) exercise is to get your heart pumping faster, which will exercise and strengthen your heart (see our topic Fitness).
Learn how to take your pulse, and you will be able to see how well you are doing in your aerobicexercises.

How to take your pulse

You can find your pulse in several places. Here are two of the easiest places to find it.
*To find your pulse in your neck
Put three fingers of your left hand onto your Adam's apple in your throat (that's the bit that sticks out and goes up and down when you swallow.)

Feel gently to the side of it, and you will find your pulse beating (you can feel it going up and down).
neck pulse

*To find your pulse in your wrist
Hold your hand in front of you.wrist pulse
Stick your thumb up in the air and turn the palm towards you.
With the first two fingers of your other hand, stroke from the top of your thumb down the side until your fingers reach your wrist.
Let your fingers slide downwards onto the inside of your wrist, and gently feel for your pulse.
When you have found a steady beat, count how many beats in 15 seconds (use a watch or clock with a second hand).
Times your score by 4, and that will tell you your pulse rate per minute.
To see how well you are exercising, you need to:

exercising*Take your pulse before you start - this is your 'starting pulse'.
*Take your pulse after you have been doing high level exercise. You should be aiming for over 150 beats a minute (if you are well). Aim to keep it at the higher rate for 15 minutes.
*Take your pulse when you have finished your cooling down exercises. It should be the same as, or a bit lower than your starting pulse.
To really improve your stamina and endurance, you should do 20-40 minutes of aerobic exercise at least three times a week.exercising

My hope is to create a 10-15 minute video of an aerobic routine with my students. 

Multiplication Number Stories

I love integrating literacy into everything! This book is about Kangaroo’s birthday, but no one will play with him: not the emu, the platypuses, the koalas, or even the dingos. They all have too many things to do. What exactly are they doing? They’re using multiplication to figure out just how many things they have to do to plan a big surprise for Kangaroo!s This past unit in Math focused on multiplication and division. We learned the key words for number stories. The students used their Student Reference Books (Everyday Math) that have a Variety Store poster that shows items being sold in different amounts. They were told to select a few items to use for Kangaroo's birthday and create a number story with the information they were given. They had to use multiplication and some students wrote division number stories. Some examples of their number stories were: 
I was planning a birthday party for Kangaroo. I went to the party store and bought 3 packs of balloons. There are 12 balloons per pack. How many balloons did I buy in all? 

The students exchanged their number stories and worked together to get the answers. I found that giving them a specific task for writing number stories really made a huge difference in the quality of their number stories. Also, since they had a purpose, they were trying really hard to write number stories that could actually happen in real life. 

Predicting with The Mitten

I've been MIA lately... so much going on at work and getting ready for the holidays is taking up most of my time! But I do want to take a few minutes to archive some wonderful things that are going on in my classroom and in my life! 

One of the recent reading strategies that I taught my 3rd graders was predicting. A great book to teach this skill is The Mitten by Jan Brett. For those of you who don't's a humorous story that retells the traditional Ukrainian wintertime tale of several animals squeezing into a mitten to stay warm. The language is humorous and predictable. The illustrations also help them make predictions because they foreshadow what will happen next by including a small picture on the side of the page. The students had a great time predicting as I read.

While there are several ways to use the book to teach predictions, I chose to make predictions Before, During, and After reading. I had them record their predictions in their reading notebook. Then they discussed their predictions with other students and they made comparisons with one another. I printed out the whole page size mitten from The mitten is blank but I drew some lines on it for them to write what their predictions were before, during, and after reading. They also had to explain if their prediction(s) was (were) correct.

I'll post some pictures of their work this week! (hopefully!)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

December Writing Prompts

Just in... writing prompts for December! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Foldable Pics

For some reason, my foldable pictures did not upload properly. I hope they work now!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Foldables.. .finally!

Here are 2 foldables my kids made this month in Math. I encourage them to make foldables for any math term, vocabulary word, or rule. It's a great way to turn their math notebooks into something interactive and it helps them remember too!
Place Value Foldable

Area & Perimeter

My students have been studying different types of sentences. To help them remember the types, they made foldables and stuck them into their writing portfolios. They actually take them out to improve their writing!

They also made foldables for the different types of nouns, the basic parts of a letter, and parts of speech. 
I just didn't get any pictures.. I will try to get them tomorrow. 

As a culminating activity from their Matter Unit, the students made foldables on Solids, Liquids, and Gases. They wrote the definition under the flap and drew pictures of examples. 

Teaching Fashionista

My students made foldables for the continents, oceans, and vocabulary words found in each lesson from the textbook. I will take pictures tomorrow and put them up on my blog!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Foldables Week!

I've been a terrible blogger this week! I'm sure you will all understand why... We are having Open School Week and I was at work till 8:30 pm last night due to parent teacher conferences!

I'm linking up with Beth over at...

Thinking of Teaching
who is leading this wonderful linky party on Foldables

I have foldables to share with you and they will definitely be up tomorrow! Sorry for the delay!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Pen Pals & Letter Writing

At my school, we have the children team up with a class on a different grade and the teachers set up pen pals. The students write to each other several times throughout the year. At the end of the year, the students have a pen pal picnic and they get to meet in person. It's so cute to see them meet their pen pals... some students actually get nervous!

I use any resources I can find to teach them letter writing. Recently, I have been pinning friendly letter resources like it's going out of style and I found...
Parsley Patriot Kids Postal Pals

Parsley Postal Pals

It's a simple website that lists all the parts of a friendly letter with descriptions. I plan to use it this week to start writing their pen pal letters and it's a great way to transition into persuasive letter writing as well.

I was planning on having this website displayed on the Smartboard while I go through the basic parts of a friendly letter. Of course, I always include BrainPopJr in there somewhere... They have a great 6 minute video on how to write a friendly letter.

Here are some other things I found while pinning...
writing your own letter
Dear Mrs. LaRue By Mark Teague

Pinned Image

Cute anchor chart...

Friendly Letter Boy

letter writing