Sunday, August 28, 2011

Classroom Crafts.. Pinterest Inspired

Pinterest has inspired me to create such beautiful crafts for my classroom and my own children! Here are a few things that caught my eye...

Pencil Bouquet... Cute and useful

These are chocolate dipped oreos! How clever! Yummmy
A thumbtack sunflower... .Love it

School Supply Cake...
Not sure what I'd do with it but I like the look of it 

teacher cake

Crayon Decorated Box
Bell & Francesco made an adorable one.. 
Check it out at Teaching Fashionista
DARLING back to school gift for the teacher!

Crayon Wreaths
I keep seeing these everywhere.. I NEED to have one lol

This would be a nice teacher gift... hint hint!

The following pictures are great ideas for  
Back to School Treats
To make going back to school "SWEET" for your little ones, why not make something together? Maybe one of my Pinterest finds will inspire you to get creative in the kitchen!
These are packages of Rolos and a Hershey Kiss at the top..adorable!

Sugar cookies! yummyyyy
And look they say "Mrs. Maria".. haha

My son, Louie, already requested these cupcakes! Can't wait to make them together! 

School Cupcakes

Rice Krispie Treats with food coloring

These are such a sweet idea to put in your child's lunchbox...

You can never have enough cookies, cupcakes, or candy

Another wonderful welcome gift for students

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