Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Youtube Downloader

So if you teach in New York City like I do, you probably can't access YouTube because it's blocked! SO frustating, I know! There are so many wonderful videos that could be so useful in the classroom. Well, after spending nearly my entire prep trying to search for a video yesterday, I spoke to a co-worker of mine (Denise! Thanks!) who gave me some really helpful advice. Here goes....

The secret is YouTube Downloader! It's a free download. I found it by googling it and it came up right away.

Once you have this downloaded you are ready to start. 

1. Find the video you want to use in your classroom. 

2. Copy the video's URL. 

3. Click on the SAVE TO icon and choose to save it on a Flashdrive. 

Finally, enjoy the video with your students! 

Thanks again, Denise!


  1. You can also you kickyoutube at home - in the class you can copy the URL from google onto another service - I have it at work and it will email you a file you can open your email at school and get it - I can look up the site for you

  2. Im new to blogging and I love yours!! Thanks for the great ideas
