Thank you Meghan at Inside The Classroom for passing on the Blog on Fire Award! I feel so special! It's so nice to know that out of so many fantastic blogs out there, she chose mine to pass this award to! I really do love blogging! It's such a wonderful place for teachers to share ideas and be recognized! I'm truly amazed at all the great teachers out there that share such a dedication to teaching!

So with this award, you need to share 7 things about yourself and then pass the award on to 7 "HOT" blogs!
So here goes...
1. I have 2 children. Louie is 4 and Mia is 2.. they are my life and I love them so much!
2. I originally wanted to be an accountant and attended Baruch College in NYC... I quit after a year!lol
3. I've been with my husband since I was 15 years old...
4. My favorite vacation spot is ARUBA!
5. I watch New Jersey Housewives... it's my guilty pleasure!
6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE shoes and shopping for new clothes
7. My favorite season is the Fall.. love all the fall fashion and busting out the sweaters after a hot summer!
I'm passing this award to these 7 HOT blogs!

Thanks again, Meghan...

Thanks, Maria!
3rd Grade Gridiron
Thanks so much, Maria!!!
Runde's Room
I'm beyond thrilled Maria! Thanks for the award...
Your blog is amazing...
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