They have high paced math games for every grade level. They also have Money Math games which are excellent for the ESL children. They learn to match the American coins with the coin name. This would have been useful when I taught my ESL class a few years ago!
My favorite is the Math Racing Multiplication Game!
So to make it easier for my students (and for myself as well!), I've created a handy sheet with all the websites they are allowed to visit while they are at the Computer Center in class. I also set it up that it is my desktop layout so they can quickly look at it.
Again, I don't know how to take screen shots of the documents and I'm trying to learn how share documents on googledocs. I'd really appreciate if anyone could give me some helpful tips. I'm trying to teach myself but it's really not easy! So embarrassed!

Posting on google not that me if you still have questions about it.
Love this site! My kiddos are going to love it!
Thanks for sharing!
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