Here are 2 foldables my kids made this month in Math. I encourage them to make foldables for any math term, vocabulary word, or rule. It's a great way to turn their math notebooks into something interactive and it helps them remember too!
Place Value Foldable |
Area & Perimeter |
My students have been studying different types of sentences. To help them remember the types, they made foldables and stuck them into their writing portfolios. They actually take them out to improve their writing!
They also made foldables for the different types of nouns, the basic parts of a letter, and parts of speech.
I just didn't get any pictures.. I will try to get them tomorrow.
As a culminating activity from their Matter Unit, the students made foldables on Solids, Liquids, and Gases. They wrote the definition under the flap and drew pictures of examples.
My students made foldables for the continents, oceans, and vocabulary words found in each lesson from the textbook. I will take pictures tomorrow and put them up on my blog!